What you’ll find here:
Stay Grounded:
Essays about the effects of internet and technology on mental and societal health, and how weird it is spending our brief, limited lives in what is turning out to be the least cool cyberpunk reality imaginable.
…And occasional tips n’ tricks.
The AIR Method:
A step-by-step guide on how I took back control of my phone after years of feeling that I wasn’t living in the moment anymore. After many friends told me how they “wished they could resist their phones like you do”, I decided to document what worked for me in a concrete way.
When does Stay Grounded publish?
Stay Grounded has a strong policy of quality over quantity, and won’t publish something that’s not ready, simply for the sake of pumping out content. The Internet’s signal-to-noise ratio is already abysmal and I don’t want to further contribute to that.
That said- I try to have something every two weeks. In reality, it’s more like every two months.
Who pays for this?
You can! Stay Grounded is 100% reader supported and doesn’t have ads. It’s $5/month or $45/year for premium membership. Premium subscribers have access to bonus newsletters and more.
About the Author:
I’m a regular guy interested in technology, but I believe the business model of “distracting people in exchange for money” is harmful to individuals and democratic society. I started this newsletter to help others learn from my mistakes, and to hopefully improve discourse around this topic in general society.